On May 1st of this year we, here at the Sudbury Workers Centre, participated in a provincial-wide action along with many others in Sudbury.
Thanks to the organization and planning from the Sudbury District labour Council we were able to participate in an amazing event in Memorial park Sunday, May 1st from 1 to 4 pm.
During the event, we were able to share workers’ demands with the public.
We have drafted a careful list below:
We want every worker, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, or status, to be treated with dignity, and respect, and remunerated equally for equal work.
The list has been curated from the Justice For Workers Movement – (Hundreds of workers in low-wage, part-time and precarious employment have identified the following 10 essential priorities for a decent work agenda that – if implemented – would better protect all of us. We hope you’ll join the movement.)
We are dedicated to improving the lives and working conditions of workers, especially those in low-wage and precarious employment. We demand actions to help alleviate poverty and empower workers.
- Paid sick days: Mandating paid sick days for workers.
- Justice For workers is calling on at least 10 employer-paid emergency leave days per year, plus 14 additional paid days during public health outbreaks.
- Decent wages: Higher wages benefit workers and benefit the economy. All workers deserve to earn at least a living wage, and employers must understand the need and value of a living wage.
- The Justice 4 Workers movement is calling for a $20 min wage with annual inflation increases.
- Equal pay for equal work: Implementing the Pay Transparency Act and addressing the pay gap.
- Decent hours: Workers need a fair amount of hours per week with just scheduling.
Laws must protect us all, policies previously released by the government to protect workers are outdated and fail to include all workers. We demand amendments to the ESA, OHSA, and labour board to include all workers, close loopholes and end exemptions and misclassifying workers.
- Status for all: Ensure laws, benefits, and supports are expanded and inclusive towards migrant and undocumented workers.
- An end to racism, discrimination, and workplace bullying: We strive for a workplace free of harassment, discrimination and bullying; in which the health and safety of workers is a top priority and the number of workplace incidents is minimal
- Justice For Injured Workers & WSIB Reform: We stand with Injured Workers and advocates, the WSIB reform must be made a top priority with action and justice for injured workers bringing an End to Deeming, Phantom Jobs and endorsing Fair appeals, Universal coverage, and Compensation for ALL injured workers.
Parties Policies: What do Sudbury MPP Candidates have to say about decent work?
Liberal Party: David Farrow
- Read the full Justice For Workers Responses here (6 Questions)
- Calls to increase the minimum wage, as well as the importance of attracting skilled workers.
- 4-Day Work Week promise.
- Aimed at helping individuals and businesses such as a two-year corporate tax freeze, capping credit card fees and cutting red tape.
- Promise to cut transit fares to $1 per ride until 2024.
- Ontario Nature – protecting 30% of Ontario’s lands and waters by 2030
- An Ontario Liberal government will designate 30% of Ontario’s land and water as protected areas by 2030 in alignment with Canada’s international commitments
Green Party: David Robinson
- Create large numbers of high-paying jobs, especially at the trades level for both men and women. That will push up wages and reduce the demand for some social services.
- Increase funding for universities, including operating grants, research funding, northern and bilingual grants, funding for Indigenous programming, and a special new fund for faculty renewal.
- Adopt Guaranteed Liveable Income
- Ontario Nature – protecting 30% of Ontario’s lands and waters by 2030
- As our Roadmap to Net Zero shows, Ontario Greens will protect 25% of Ontario by 2025 and 30% by 2030, especially areas of particular importance for water and animals, by working with Indigenous communities. Ontario Greens have pledged $1 billion for Indigenous climate leadership, and to give priority and respect to Indigenous Protected and Conserved areas.
New Democrats: Jamie West
- Read the full Justice For Workers Responses here (6 Questions)
- Support for small businesses, tax freeze for middle- and low-income households
- 4-Day Work Week promise.
- Regulating gas prices, Raising the minimum wages, and Legislating 10 permanent personal emergency leave days.
- Prioritizing actions to address issues around mental health, addictions and homelessness.
- NDP promises changes that would have a direct and substantive impact on the lives of people who rent. – CCPA
- Ontario Nature – protecting 30% of Ontario’s lands and waters by 2030
- An NDP government will work with Indigenous peoples and the federal government, as well as community, business and environmental stakeholders, to meet Canada’s 2030 target of 30% protection
Progressive Conservative Party: Marc Despatie
- Responses provided to Sudburystar.com 10 questions
- Responses provided to Sudburystar.com 10 questions
Head over to the Justice For Workers Site to learn more about the Provincial Candidates’ responses and where they stand on the topic of decent work! Watch the Sudbury Fire Side Chat here in case you missed it!
We call on candidates to stand with workers and take the pledge to support a decent work agenda in this upcoming Provincial and municipal election.