The Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre is an organization of workers, students and community volunteers committed to improving the lives and working conditions of people in low-wage and unstable employment.
SWEAC will deliver support and education on workers rights, provide community spaces for workers to share and learn together, and ensure that all workers have a voice and are treated with dignity, fairness, and respect.
SWEAC was started by a dedicated group of volunteers and workers who were concerned about the inequalities that precarious and low-wage workers were facing in Sudbury. The Centre was first incorporated as a non-profit organization in August 2013 and received starter funds from the United Way. Since then SWEAC continues to grow to better meet the needs of the growing precariat in the Greater City of Sudbury and surrounding areas.
SWEAC’s donors and funders make it possible for us to continuously support, advocate, and stand in solidarity alongside workers across the Greater Sudbury Region.
Thank you to these champions for their generosity in Worker’s Rights…
Reach out to us to learn about how you can become a Champion for Worker’s Rights and support vulnerable workers in and around Greater Sudbury.