Living-Wage Update For Sudbury!

Sudbury~ On Flag Day, February 15, 2022, Sudbury councillors voted on the approval of a Living-Wage report.

So, you may be wondering what’s next? 

We are very excited that the majority of Sudbury Councillors voted yes to a Living-Wage Report, there is no doubt that many workers and advocates have been pushing for the living-wage to be taken seriously by council for many years now. 
The city will be moving forward to see the financial implications of a Living-wage for Sudbury Employees. On May 17th, the report will be complete.
Our time is now Sudbury!

From now until May we must remind Sudbury councillors of the importance of implementing a living-wage for Sudbury workers. Let your councillor know you appreciate them supporting workers, and remind them of living-wage facts, info, and myth debunks!

Did you know the city can have a meeting with the Living-Wage directors to ensure they are getting all the information?
Urge your councillor to learn more about the living wage today and truly follow through with this report, to ensure the best protection for Sudbury Employees.

Use these graphics to help keep them reminded and stay connected on social media, you can use this toolkit to send an email, call, or get in contact with your ward councillor to let them know why the living-wage is important to you!