Elections: Last Chance For Advance Voting!

The elections are hot around the corner, less than a week away on September, 20th!

Today on September 10th advanced polls are open until the 14th at 6 pm for this Federal Election 9-9 pm at your local polls or by mail-in special ballot. 

You can click here to find Sudbury’s local advance polling options! https://www.elections.ca/Scripts/vis/voting?L=e&ED=35103&EV=53&EV_TYPE=1&PC=p3c2a6&PROV=&PROVID=&MAPID=&QID=3&PAGEID=31&TPAGEID=&PD=&STAT_CODE_ID=15#advance

Or here for other locations: https://www.elections.ca/scripts/vis/FindED?L=e&PAGEID=20

If you missed our last blog on the upcoming federal election, check it out here: to find out how to get registered. Or check out Elections Canada’s site directly here: https://www.elections.ca/content2.aspx?section=faq&document=faqreg&lang=e#reg2

If you’re still unsure or haven’t registered yet, do not worry, you can still vote at the polls before you place your ballot. You will need ID to confirm your identity and address, which, you can do with, one piece of government-issued ID with your photo, name and current address or two pieces of ID that have your name and at least one with your current address (these can include bills and electronic statements). If you don’t have ID with your current address you can have someone who is eligible to vote in the riding “vouch” for you at the polls. 

Check out other acceptable options for ID here! https://www.elections.ca/content2.aspx?section=id&document=index&lang=e

Note: The deadline to apply to vote by mail is Tuesday, September 14, at 6:00 p.m. Electors are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

Step 2: Mark the special ballot

Electors will vote by mail using the special ballot voting process. Voting by special ballot is different than voting on election day or advance polling days. 

Step 3: Return the marked ballot

Electors must return their mail-in ballot to us in the prepaid envelope by election day.

Electors can also bring their marked special ballot to their local Elections Canada office or their polling station on election day.

Elections Canada provides voting information in 16 Indigenous languages and more than 30 other languages. If you are looking for translated materials, please visit Elections Canada: Guide to the Federal Election.  

Sudbury’s list of candidates as of September 10th:

Viviane LaPointe Liberal Party of Canada (705) 222-5427 Website

Viviane LaPointe

Colette Andréa Methé People’s Party of Canada        
J. David Popescu Independent (705) 688-1302      
David Robert Robinson Green Party of Canada        
Ian Symington Conservative Party of Canada (705) 222-2722 Website

Ian Symington

Nadia Verrelli New Democratic Party (705) 920-0655 Website

Nadia Verrelli



  • Federal election on September 20 and an Ontario election scheduled for June 2, 2022
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